2020 | Installation | Atmega 328p microcontoller, Acrylic Glass, Leds , PCB, silver coated copper wire | 2500 x 310 x 250 mm
Computation is peculiar: it works best in the abstract world, where everything is nicely discrete and time is but an integer. In the physical world, computing machines are confronted with the
ugliness of time being continuous. Hence they rely on a clock signal to provide them with a steady stream of time steps. This installation is reminiscent of theUnendlichkeitsmaschine: 15
microcontrollers in a row provide the clock for each subsequent one at a fraction of their speed, slowing them down exponentially. The last in line will execute one
instruction every 142 years. While its sadly not a very useful machine, this installation highlights an often unregarded property of our binary best friends.
All 15 Mikrocontrollers can be programmed individually. To provide some visual output, each controller connects its output pins to a 7x8 LED matrix. I tried to keep it as 'bare bones' as
possible; therefore I resorted to the technique of charlieplexing to produces somewhat complex visual output with the atmega328p 8 output pins without additional circuitry.